
Josip Tisaj, Frontend developer

Josip, tell us something about yourself

Hi! My name is Josip and I come from a beautiful place in Baranja, Beli Manastir. From a young age, I loved computers. I finished high school as a computer technician and then enrolled at FERIT in Osijek. After graduating from college, I became a Master of Computer Science and got a job at Base58 d.o.o. in the position of a Frontend developer.

How would you describe your journey in the world of programming?

I started entering the world of programming while studying. With all the programming and learning in college, I decided to enroll in a Java programmer course at Edunova. After completing the course, I am employed as a student at Adcon. By working on projects, I am expanding my knowledge and gaining more and more interest in JavaScript. I am embarking on a learning adventure with React JavaScript and I am finding myself more and more in this field, and today I am working as a Frontend developer

What is your favorite programming language?

One of my favorites is Java but my favorite is JavaScript. The reason is that everything on the web is done with JavaScript with all that interactivity and modernity.

What do you do in your free time?

In my free time, I play recreational football and I go fishing, but of course, all that is in the company of a good team.

Describe yourself in three words.

Diligent, Calm, Creative

How would you describe communication and working with a mentor?

I found the communication and work with my mentor great. The reason is that in all the situations I found myself in he is always available to talk and help. He leads me and guides me on the right path toward the best solution.

How did you function in the team?

Together, we achieve outstanding results that encourage and inspire us to direct individual achievements towards team goals. Also, working in a team developed my communication skills even better.

A message for future candidates

I warmly recommend all future candidates who want to be part of our team to apply for a job with us, because with a great atmosphere and great IT experts, it can't be bad. They will work on super interesting projects and gain even better and higher-quality knowledge in the field of development.

Finally, write an instructive one

As Henry Ford (American industrialist) would say, “Gathering is the beginning. Sticking together is progress. Working together is a success. ”

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